В РФ создали установку для супероднородных смесей
Engineers of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University have created and patented the first in Russia device for horizontal mixing of solids and liquids (mixer). Compared to the classical approach of mixing in containers, the equipment makes it possible to obtain much more homogeneous mixtures, reduce the number of rejects and increase productivity.
According to the developers, there are analogs of their invention only in Germany and Switzerland. The apparatus will be used to produce materials for the chemical, textile and food industries. Including the creation of special composites for airplane and car parts.
"The mixer consists of a tube that is mounted on a platform. Inside it is a horizontally rotating shaft. Two types of nozzles are attached to it: one of them mixes the components with each other, while the other paddles provide transportation inside the tube from loading to discharge. This simplifies the technological process, as it eliminates the need to fill and drain tanks. As a consequence, productivity increases," Alexander Ushkov, a graduate student at the Advanced Engineering School of the Russian Chemical Technology University, told Izvestia.
The main purpose of creating a new mixing apparatus was to obtain a homogeneous suspension of finely dispersed polyacrylonitrile powder (polymer) and its solvent dimethylacetamide. It is used to make polyacrylonitrile fibers for fabrics, aircraft parts, car interior decoration, and even sports equipment. However, the invention is versatile and suitable for other industries.
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